Our Vision:

A premier residence of unique heritage and a must see, must do destination on the River Murray.
A magnet for young creative entrepreneurs.

The whole community working together to make our vision
happen and thereby create better futures for all in Loxton.

Photo: Koch’s Foodland

Photo: Murray River Pix

Who we are

Loxton Community Futures Incorporated (LCFi) is a not for profit association established to develop and promote a compelling community vision and give agency to people within the community that are prepared to help realise this vision.

Choosing to

shape our

own future

Photo by Pexels (adapted)

The future needn’t just happen!

Every day we make choices that have consequences. By aligning these choices with a carefully crafted and widely accepted vision, we can bring about the future we want for our town.

LCFi has chosen to adopt the following operating principles in shaping our future:

LCFi acts as an enabler for change makers and a connector of ideas.

While no idea is excluded, support comes when:

  • there is a committed proponent,

  • it contributes to the Vision, and

  • it is inclusive.

LCFi will support capability development within the community and we will collaborate with other communities.

The LCFi backstory

Loxton Community Futures Inc was born from a commitment among the people of Loxton to meet the challenges facing our community and create opportunities for a brighter future.

Loxton has a proud history and a strong community spirit. The town is blessed with a rich cultural heritage and a well established economy based primarily on viticulture, horticulture and tourism.

Like many regional communities we have faced our share of challenges in recent years. Our location on the banks of the mighty River Murray provide water for our crops but the recent floods have hit hard. Markets for wine made from grapes grown here have suffered from the closure of the Chinese market.

We recognise that we have a top performing school but we need to create more opportunity for the young people graduating from Loxton High School. It has been harder with COVID 19 and economic uncertainty to maintain the vitality of East Terrace - our main retail precinct.

With this in mind, over 80 members of the Loxton Community came together to develop a vision for the future of our town.

Our Vision: A premier residence of unique heritage and a must see, must do destination on the River Murray. A magnet for young creative entrepreneurs.

The whole community working together to make our vision happen and thereby create better futures for all in Loxton.

Photo: Whistling Kite Wines

Management Committee

LCFi is supported and guided by a Management Committee consisting of the following people:

Dean Fielke (Treasurer)
Grenfell Koch (Public Officer)
Kathy Schliebs (Secretary)
Paul Daly (Independent Chair)
Tricia Yandell
Zane Sheffield

Loxton Historical Village

Contact Us

Thank you for reaching out to Loxton Community Futures. We are here to listen and support positive change in our town. We want to hear your ideas and, if they contribute to the community vision, then we want to know how we can help …

We look forward to shaping the future of Loxton together.