Over 80 Loxtonites were involved in an ideation process that preceded the development of the Loxton Community Vision. Through this ideation we identified a large number of potential projects that would benefit the community. Many of these projects were grouped into the following categories:

  • Youth and Agriculture

  • Tourism

  • Vibrant CBD

As a result LCFi formed work streams for each of these categories to progress projects where there was a strong appetite for implementation. Additional ideas for projects have emerged through the Forums that are run by LCFi each month.

Current Projects in Development include:

The Collective Loxton - a retail outlet for artisan micro-businesses in East Terrace (more detail)

Activation of the former ANZ Bank building with a focus on the future of Loxton and a home for LCFi

A unique Visitor Experience Centre

A Community Garden to complement the gardens that already exist and connect people and produce

‘Street Names Tell Stories’ bringing the work of Peter and Carla Magarey to life through QR code activation of stories behind the names of streets in Loxton.

A Mini Silo Art Trail

A Heritage Art Trail

Capability development and support for our youth.